Welcome to Big Brother: Pokémon 2!


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All important, game related information will be posted here.

12 72 PoV 9 information
by Prof Oak
Jul 29, 2013 2:08:04 GMT
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Advertisements and general discussion.

Sub-board: Advertisements

27 75 Online Reality Games - Advertising Site
by DJ
Sept 2, 2013 19:15:03 GMT

The Game

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10 36 And the winner is...
by Charmander
Aug 13, 2013 14:34:25 GMT
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All competitions will take place here.

35 295 Part 2 and Part 3 Results
by Prof Oak
Aug 5, 2013 16:36:21 GMT
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All ceremonies will take place here.

25 195 Eviction Ceremony 9
by Charmander
Jul 29, 2013 3:22:08 GMT


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Where evicted players who will decide the winner can discuss the game.

Moderators: Dewgong, Gloom, Ninjask, Lopunny, Celebi, Mr. Mime, Scyther

1 49 Jury Thread
by Ninjask
Aug 9, 2013 7:03:59 GMT
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Where players can discuss the game after they've been evicted.

Moderators: Poliwrath, Leafeon, Sableye, Hitmonlee, Celebi, Roserade, Milotic

1 17 The prejury thread
by Scyther
Aug 11, 2013 23:35:37 GMT


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Where viewers can discuss the game.

Moderators: Phanpy, Ash, Brawly, marlon

2 42 Pregame Discussion
by Phanpy
Jul 16, 2013 13:16:00 GMT
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Moderators: Prof Oak, Team Rocket, Ampharos, Eevee, Mudkip, Winona, Pimplax, Officer Jenny

20 257

Celebi's Diary Room

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No New Posts Celebi's Diary Room - 1 Viewing

Moderator: Celebi

10 259 Voting Thread
by Celebi
Jul 6, 2013 1:08:47 GMT

Charmander's Diary Room

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Moderator: Charmander

35 330 Part 2
by Prof Oak
Aug 4, 2013 2:14:16 GMT

Dewgong's Diary Room

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Moderator: Dewgong

11 84 Final vote
by Dewgong
Aug 10, 2013 2:55:20 GMT

Gloom's Diary Room

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Moderator: Gloom

22 200 Round 5
by Scyther
Aug 11, 2013 21:45:32 GMT

Hitmonlee's Diary Room

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Moderator: Hitmonlee

7 43 Eviction Thread
by Hitmonlee
Jun 30, 2013 0:14:00 GMT

Jynx's Diary Room

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0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Leafeon's Diary Room

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Moderator: Leafeon

7 60 Goodbye messages
by Prof Oak
Jun 25, 2013 17:31:36 GMT

Lopunny's Diary Room

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Moderator: Lopunny

12 161 The Final Vote
by Lopunny
Aug 10, 2013 16:32:02 GMT

Milotic's Diary Room

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No New Posts Milotic's Diary Room

Moderator: Milotic

14 48 Voting History
by Milotic
Jul 21, 2013 3:43:15 GMT

Mr. Mime's Diary Room

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No New Posts Mr. Mime's Diary Room - 1 Viewing

Moderator: Mr. Mime

21 247 Winner Vote
by Mr. Mime
Aug 9, 2013 3:35:46 GMT

Ninjask's Diary Room

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No New Posts Ninjask's Diary Room - 1 Viewing

Moderator: Ninjask

10 33 Jury vote
by Ninjask
Aug 6, 2013 23:08:11 GMT

Poliwrath's Diary Room

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No New Posts Poliwrath's Diary Room

Moderator: Poliwrath

3 5 Goodbye Messages
by Prof Oak
Jun 22, 2013 5:03:47 GMT

Roserade's Diary Room

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Moderator: Roserade

4 10 hoh4
by Roserade
Jul 1, 2013 16:05:27 GMT

Sableye's Diary Room

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No New Posts Sableye's Diary Room - 1 Viewing

Moderator: Sableye

7 53 Voting History/Letters
by Prof Oak
Jun 30, 2013 15:48:57 GMT

Scyther's Diary Room

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No New Posts Scyther's Diary Room - 1 Viewing

Moderator: Scyther

27 308 Finale Voting
by Scyther
Aug 8, 2013 22:55:10 GMT

Tangela's Diary Room

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Moderator: tangela

23 265 Final HoH
by tangela
Aug 7, 2013 8:11:11 GMT

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