Hola Big Brother! You're looking sexy as ever today! Okay, here are my lovely answers to your questions.
1) How do you feel with Tangela as HoH?
I'm happy that she won! I worked with Tangela and Charmander on the challenge so one of us could win it and am excited that she won since she's in the current alliance that I'm in.
2) Do you feel that you may end up on the block this week?
I am pretty confident that I won't be because I'm in an alliance with Tangela but you never know! I don't think she has any reason to put me up there though.
3) What is your relationship with the other players? Go through as many of them as you can!
Celebi- My relationship is meh with Celebi. We've only talked a few times and he isn't a great conversationalist. I'm sure he doesn't like me because he knows I voted to evict him last round so I'd be scared if he won HoH. WHATEV.
Charmander- My closest ally in the game, probs. I really like Charmander and we're usually on the same page as far as strategy. I'm not sure I'd want to go to the finals with him since he'd probably win over me but for now he's my best ally.
Dewgong- I've had like one convo with Dewgong the whole game and it didn't go very well. I was strongly considering putting him up if I won HoH
Hitmonlee- He's a strong player in the challenges but pretty meh as a conversationalist. I'm not the biggest fan of him and I kind of hope he leaves soon. I'm also sure he won a bunch of prizes from the last veto competition.
Jynx- Well I've never talked to her but apparently I'm in an alliance with her? Ugh, it's whatever for now. I never see her online though.
Lopunny- Besides Chamander he's really the only one who I can hold a conversation with! I love Lopunny! He's so fun and interesting to talk to. I also found out that Lopunny and Leafeon were boy friend and girl friend which is ADORABLE. I actually think that my loyalties for him are more than they are with my six person alliance at this poing (except for Char)
Milotic- Um I had one convo with him and it went kind of good. But I haven't talked to him all last round and apparently we're in an alliance together which, whatevs.
Mr. Mime- I've never talked to him, although apparently he's being pulled in as the 7th person in our alliance. I'd probably think of Nomming him though.
Ninjask- The few times I've talked to him he's seemed really nice! I hope he goes far. But I think my alliance will target him soon for being a thread
Roserade- Never talked to her, and I'd definitely nominate her if I were HoH this round.
Sabeleye- I really like Sableye! We've talked a few times and he's a good conversationalist. He's young but he's okay. Our conversations revolve around pokemon mostly but that's okay.
Scyther- I consider him the leader of the alliance I'm in. I don't really know that much about him. He was trying to get me to vote for Leafeon last round and being really pushy about it which was a turnoff though. Whatevs.
Tangela- I've been trying to get to know him. I like him okay I guess but I think he's gonna be a sneaky player. We'll just see.
4) Who do you feel is your biggest threat right now? Explain
I think it's Scyther. Even though he's in my alliance he seems to be the most on top of strategy. So while I don't think I'd try to get him out just yet, I'm gonna keep my eye on him.
5) Who is your number one ally? Explain
At this point my number one ally is Charmander. I like him and trust him the most. However, I also think he's made a lot of friends and is very social. I'm sure many others also consider him their number one ally. If this is the case he could become very powerful. I would like to kind of branch out from Charmander if I could and pick up another ally like Lopunny or Sableye but we'll just have to see.